South African Agriculture in the Face of Climate Change - eucatech Store

South African Agriculture in the Face of Climate Change

Climate change poses a threat to agriculture in South Africa. We offer climate smart agricultural technologies to help farmers adapt and improve productivity. Investing in these sustainable solutions combats climate change, ensuring food security and economic stability.
SAHPRA licensing for medical cannabis production - eucatech Store

SAHPRA licensing for medical cannabis production

There have been many advances for the cannabis industry in South Africa over the past few years and one being the ability to obtain a license from SAHPRA to cultivate cannabis for medical research purposes. The use of IoT can aid in meeting compliance for license approval.
Chroni Co: A Medical Cannabis Success Story - eucatech Store

Chroni Co: A Medical Cannabis Success Story

Chroni Co, a medical cannabis business, received their SAHPRA license in August 2021 after a challenging three-year journey. They employ EUCA's Nvirosense data loggers for real-time monitoring of temperature and humidity, essential for cannabis growth and exportation.
Africa Agri Tech Conference & Exhibition 2023 - eucatech Store

Africa Agri Tech Conference & Exhibition 2023

The Africa Agri Tech Conference and Exhibition is a three-day event that connects the Southern African agricultural, scientific, and technological communities, featuring global speakers and experts who are exploring future trends and advances in agriculture
Fine-Wine Management - eucatech Store

Fine-Wine Management

As one of the leading wine producers in the world, and with our ever changing climate, wine farms need accurate technologies to stay on top of all the important parameters. Having accurate readings of these environmental parameters allows farmers to keep growing world class products.
Create a smart farming ecosystem with SenseCAP - eucatech Store

Create a smart farming ecosystem with SenseCAP

The SenseCAP range from Seeed is a smart, cost effective way to turn agriculture into agri-tech. With the ability to monitor different aspects of a farm, we can account for situations that we may have missed without accurate data.
Agriculture and Weather - eucatech Store

Agriculture and Weather

Agriculture and weather go hand in hand, as climate changes so too do we have to adapt to new technologies like IoT. Delivering much more clear-cut micro-climate information that can be delivered straight to farmers from the field, allowing growers to make decisions in real-time.
Cherries of Eden monitored by NviroSense - eucatech Store

Cherries of Eden monitored by NviroSense

Put simply the system installed by Euca at Cherries of Eden, is a “detect, monitor and respond” system but can be adapted to any applications that may be needed in future by the client. The innovative and adaptable nature of NviroSense allows for various applications to be added on as per client requirements.
IOT Into The Wild (Seeed) - eucatech Store

IOT Into The Wild (Seeed)

With the move towards making the agricultural sector more sustainable and efficient, the inclusion of IoT technology in daily operations has become a natural move for many South African farmers.